Video Review
Video Walk Location: Carenero Island aka Cristobal Island, Panama, Central America
YouTube Video Title and Link: Panama's most beautiful Caribbean island | Virtual walk of Carenero Island, Bocas del Toro, Panama
AHH Virtual Walker Profile: Walk Me There Walking Tours Around the World
Enjoy a beautiful walk along the beach of a island in the Caribbean. The sand is white, the docks are inviting, there are palm trees and blue resorts and houses. At one point, the videographer wades in the water. The sound of the waves adds to the island ambience. The place looks peaceful and relaxing.
Video Details
ID | Detail | Description |
1 | Channel | Walk Me There WalkingTours Around the World |
2 | Location Continent | Central Americal |
3 | Location Country | Panama |
4 | State/Province | Bocas del Toro Archipelago |
5 | Location Area or City | Carenero Island |
6 | Additional Location | |
7 | Mountain Range | |
8 | Title | Panama's most beautiful Caribbean island | Virtual walk of Carenero Island, Bocas del Toro, Panama |
9 | Date Uploaded | 10/29/2021 |
10 | URL | https://youtu.be/Bijpr3W9o08 |
11 | Start Direction | |
12 | Sound | Natural Sounds |
13 | Music | No Music |
14 | Narration | No Narration |
15 | Title | Informative Title |
16 | Subtitles | No Subtitles |
17 | Camera Speed | 4K |
18 | Length | 21:55 |
19 | Video Length | Between 15 and 30 Minutes |
20 | Video Chapters | No Chapters |
21 | Video Continuity | One Take or Close to One Take |
22 | Video Quality | High Quality Video |
23 | Time of Day | Mid-day |
24 | Weather | Sunny |
25 | Season | |
26 | Land Type | Beach |
27 | Ground Cover | Mostly Green |
28 | Building Type | A Few Houses |
29 | Incline | Mostly Flat |
30 | Trail Type | Beach Sand |
31 | Map Available | No Map Available |
32 | YouTube Description | Description Includes Good Info |
33 | Animals Shown | dogs |
34 | Population Type | Resort |
35 | People Presence | A Few People |
36 | Subscription requests | Few to No Subscription Requests |
37 | Food | |
38 | NOTES | Walk along the Carenero Island trail. I am not certain whether this is headed northeast or southwest. Passes the Coquitas Beach dining tables. |
39 | Review Date | 5/23/2022 |