Video Review
Video Walk Location: Galloway Forest Park, Barr, Scotland
YouTube Video Title and Link: Barr Trail and the Fairy Village Walk, Scottish Countryside 4K
YouTube Virtual Walker Profile: Dave's Walks
Video Summary
How fun to visit a fairy village in Scotland! The atmosphere is cloudy, then rainy and back to cloudy, but this video is a peaceful stroll. The video walk starts on a two lane dirt road along a stream. At about minute 4, we turn off into the stand of trees on the left and see a sign for a Fairy Village. "The Fairies ask you to tread carefully around their tree roots." After about 5 minutes visiting the Fairy Village, we're back on the road for a pleasant walk. After crossing a bridge, we climb up a steep hill on steps, and find higher ground, another bridge, another set of fairy houses, less rain, and end up off the path traipsing through a grove.
Video Details
ID | Detail | Description |
1 | Channel | Dave's Walks |
2 | Location Continent | Europe |
3 | Location Country | Scotland |
4 | State/Province | South Ayrshire |
5 | Location Area or City | Barr |
6 | Additional Location | Galloway Forest Park |
7 | Mountain Range | |
8 | Title | Barr Trail and the Fairy Village Walk, Scottish Countryside 4K |
9 | Date Uploaded | 6/26/2024 |
10 | URL | https://youtu.be/ix2T-5GX1pE?si=mtAVL5oS-FjfvbZ2 |
11 | Start Direction | Southeast |
12 | Sound | Actual Environment Sound |
13 | Music | No Music |
14 | Narration | No Narration |
15 | Title | Informative Title |
16 | Subtitles | No Subtitles |
17 | Camera Speed | 4K |
18 | Length | 1:28:44 |
19 | Video Length | Between 75 and 90 Minutes |
20 | Video Chapters | No Chapters |
21 | Video Continuity | One Take or Close to One Take |
22 | Video Quality | High Quality Video |
23 | Time of Day | Mid-day |
24 | Weather | Cloudy |
25 | Season | Spring |
26 | Land Type | Steep Hill, Stream, Waterfall |
27 | Ground Cover | Mostly Green Trees |
28 | Building Type | No Buildings |
29 | Incline | Varying Inclines |
30 | Trail Type | Dirt Trail |
31 | Map Available | Yes |
32 | YouTube Description | Description Includes Good Info |
33 | Animals Shown | No Animals |
34 | Population Type | Country |
35 | People Presence | No People |
36 | Subscription requests | Few to No Subscription Requests |
37 | Food | No Food |
38 | NOTES | The video walk starts on a two lane dirt road along a stream. At about minute 4, we turn off into the stand of trees on the left and see a sign for a Fairy Village. "The Fairies ask you to tread carefully around their tree roots." After about 5 minutes visiting the Fairy Village, we're back on the road for a pleasant walk through hills and trees in the rain. After crossing a bridge, we climb up a steep hill on steps, and find higher ground, another bridge, another set of fairy houses, less rain, and end up off the path traipsing through a grove. I found it peaceful. |
39 | Review Date | 7/26/2024 |